Saturday, November 17, 2012

1 Corinthians 12-14 Gifts of the Spirit

  1. What is taught about members in 1 Corinthians 12:13-22 and Doctrine and covenants 84:109-110 that could help those who feel insignificant in their callings?
    • The Lord’s church is made up of many people, and of many different callings. Each part is different. Some might be larger than others, but they are all important. In 1 Corinthians 12:11-22 it talks about how each part is needed. Verse 17 says, “If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing?”. D&C 84:110 says, “Also the body hath need of every member, that all may be edified together, that the system may be kept perfect.” People with different talents and abilities are needed. We all have something that we can contribute.
  2. Of all the spiritual gifts spoken of by Paul, which spiritual gift did he identify as “more excellent”?
    • Charity is the gift that Paul identified as “more excellent”. In Corinthians 13:13 it says, “And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three: But the greatest of these is charity.”
  3. Charity is:
    • Long suffering
    • Kind
    • Rejoice in truth
    • Beareth all things
    • Believeth all things
    • Hopeth all things endureth all things
    • Never fails
    • And is the greatest.
  4. Charity is not:
    • Envious
    • Vaunteth not in itself
    • Puffed up
    • Does not behave itself unseemingly
    • Seeketh not her own
    • Easily provoked
    • Thinketh no evil
    • Rejoicing in iniquity
  5. I think one attribute of charity that I could develop more fully would be enduring all things. Sometimes I find it hard to endure things well. I find myself complaining and not having faith that things are all going to turn out. I think the biggest thing that I can do is focus on others and their problems and then my problems will just turn out better. So my plan would be to everyday try to serve another person, whether it is to write someone a thank you note, or give someone a ride. I think that helping someone else will help me focus on what is really important. In Moroni 7:47 it says that charity is the pure love of Christ. What better way to show his love through serving others.
  6. Speaking in tongues:
    • Do not speak in the gift of tongues without understanding it, or without interpretations. The devil can speak in tongues too. The purpose for the gift of tongues by the power of the Holy Ghost is for the benefit of the servants of God to preach to unbelievers. This reminds me of Missionaries and how they are given the gift of tongues to be able to communicate with others. There are definite cautions about the gift of tongues. Do not speak in tongues except there be an interpreter present. If you have a matter to reveal do it in your own tongue.

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